Know Me" tells the story of Clément Roseyro's relationship with the ocean. Grown up on the South-West coast of France, Clément‘s playgound has always been the Atlantic coastline. This episode inspires to ditch excuses but simply go out and embrace the ocean‘s moods. And the ocean has many moods ... angry or peaceful, terrible or delicate, dangerous or playful. True watermen adapt.


Some people think they know me. They watch me for hours, spending their days in my warmth. They gaze at me and try to capture me with their photographs.

Others pursue me. They attempt to interact with me. They even trick themselves into believing they understand me. I find these people so quickly get lost in their own ways.

But Clement? He was always different. He would come to see me no matter my mood — and I have many moods. Angry or peaceful, terrible or delicate, dangerous or playful...

His mood was always different, too. He arrived with different energy every day. A new attitude, a new board. Anything that could bring us closer.

I think that’s what the others get wrong about me. They think that, if they can master their craft, it means they have mastered me. Some of them think they have me all figured out.

But the truth is, nobody can figure me out — not even Clement. I change every moment, every day. There is no winning with me, or losing. Everything is temporary. Bliss. Violence. Pain. Joy. All of it arises and disappears like waves.

If you really want to explore who I am, you have to keep changing too.

That’s the only way to get to know me.