Some roads aren't as straight as others. Some wind, some waiver and some come to a sudden stop. Then they keep going.

A week out from this year's Single Fin Mingle we were forced to make the heartbreaking decision of postponing the event due to the outbreak of COVID19. Months of tireless work of bringing the event to life had come to a sudden halt with no reward. Gutted would not suffice to describe the heartbreak and disappointment felt by all - but it was out of our hands. The New Zealand border had just begun to close and a handful of attendees from Australia and America had already landed. We could still surf, so surf we would. Sometimes you’ve got to make the best out of bad situations that ‘best can become’ a brilliant time in its own right. 


Film and Edit by Cameron Haylock
Photography by Ridge Ben Ben
Original Music by George Mackie
Surfers: Kai Ellis Flint, Ambrose McNeill, Joe Kookling, Luke O'Neil.

Learn more about the festival here